jQuery(document).ready(function () { // Unbind on document ready so it will still at least try // to be functional while the page may still be loading wp_gallery_custom_links_setup(); // Do unbinding, etc. again in window.onload to help reduce // the number of conflicting lightboxes etc. without // making the user have to declare js dependencies function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldOnload = window.onload; if(typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { oldOnload(); func(); } } } addLoadEvent(wp_gallery_custom_links_setup); }); function wp_gallery_custom_links_setup() { if(jQuery.fn.off) { // jQuery 1.7+ jQuery('.no-lightbox, .no-lightbox img').off('click'); } else { // < jQuery 1.7 jQuery('.no-lightbox, .no-lightbox img').unbind('click'); } jQuery('a.no-lightbox').click(wp_gallery_custom_links_click); if(jQuery.fn.off) { // jQuery 1.7+ jQuery('a.set-target').off('click'); } else { // < jQuery 1.7 jQuery('a.set-target').unbind('click'); } jQuery('a.set-target').click(wp_gallery_custom_links_click); } function wp_gallery_custom_links_click() { if(!this.target || this.target == '' || this.target == '_self') window.location = this.href; else window.open(this.href,this.target); return false; }