We’ve had a successful COLING so far, with over a thousand papers submitted, covering a variety of areas. In total, 1017 papers were submitted to the main conference, all full-length.
Each submitted paper had a distinct type assigned by the authors, that affects how it is reviewed. These were developed based on our earlier blog post on paper types. The “NLP Engineering Experiment paper” was unsurprisingly the dominant type, though only made up for 65% of all papers. We were very happy to receive 25 survey papers, 31 position papers, and 35 reproduction papers—as well as a solid 106 resource papers and a strong showing of 163 computationally-aided linguistic analysis papers, the second largest contingent.
Some papers were withdrawn or desk rejected before review began in earnest. Between ACs and PC co-chairs, in total, 32 papers were rejected without review. Excluding desk rejects, so far 41 papers have been withdrawn from consideration by the authors.
Allocating papers to areas gave each area a mean and median of 27 papers. The largest area has 31 papers and the smallest 19. We interpret this as indicating that area chairs will not be overloaded, leading to better review quality and interpretation.